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You'll Never Make It || Growth Spurt

Aug 19, 2020

We will never truly make it, but that doesn't mean we can't keep making it better and better.


For a long, long time I valued my worth based on my outcomes. If I didn't look a certain way, or achieve a certain thing, I thought that meant I wasn't good enough as a person. I now know, and want you to also understand, that I was wrong. The truth is, for myself included, you'll never make it.



You've probably heard in more than one of my interviews a discussion about arrival - and whether or not we ever fully arrive into who we think we need to become. We truly don't, I don't think we're designed that way. As I've shifted my thinking to understand this I am more grateful than ever for the endless opportunities I have, as a result, to keep growing.


Tune in for the reassurance that you'll never make it! As a result you'll never settle, you'll explore endless possibility, and experience the forward moving ability to see how far you've come and have the strength to keep growing.


About a few other things...


As we spend this month talking about consistency, it's so important to address our habits! I disagree with the idea that it takes a certain amount of time before you master a habit. I instead have seen that it's how often you practice your new habit that helps it stick. If you're unsure of where to start I'd love to see you in this FREE class "How to Make Habits that STICK" with 3 live sessions and replays.


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Songs Credit: DRIVE by Dj Nicolai Heidlas @nicolai-heidlas Music provided by FREE MUSIC FOR VLOGS AND VIDEOS


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