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What kind of pan won't hurt my family with yucky chemicals?

blog Jan 26, 2020

When we got married 12 years ago, non-stick pans were the norm to have on your registry. Nobody was talking about the chemicals involved in making them nonstick. But, times are a-changing!


A few years ago, I learned how bad nonstick pans are for us. But we weren't ready to buy all new pans quite yes. (So, maybe I don't care that much about my family? I kid, I kid. I'm just raised to use things until they're worn out and it's a hard mindset to kick.)


Before we had kids, I learned I was SUPER iron-deficient, so I got a cast iron skillet from the flea market. But I didn't know how to care for it properly and it rusted over mighty quick. I actually ended up tossing it because I thought it couldn't be saved. (I know better now . . . )


I did venture into the cast iron world again a few years ago when I got some cast iron bread pans here, and after seasoning them myself they have held up really well.


A week ago, I noticed that the eggs I made for my kids were looking a little grey. Well, long story short, our nonstick pans are suddenly looking well past their expiration point; this fact made me feel a little grey-faced. I knew we needed to replace them, ASAP.


So, I did what any millennial would do--I asked the internet via Instagram: what are the best "safe" pans out there?


The most common response I had was, "Will you share the responses?" So, this post is doing just that.




Honestly, there weren't any solid brands that stood out--more so comments on the materials in the pans and why they prefer them over others. A few said their stainless steel pans were lifesavers. Others sweared by their toxin-free, diamond-infused pans. And many, many encouraged me to lean back into the cast iron world.


Because we literally have to replace all our skillet pans right now, I thought it was a good time to test them alllll out for you. I'll give you a full review of each item I bought in time. (You know this is all unsponsored. None of these companies care about Monica from About Progress. Some links are affiliate though.)


So, here's what I got:



First, the most expensive purchase was THIS 8-inch pan from an honest-to-goodness blacksmith in UT. I think it'll be the perfect pan to cook eggs, and it's hand-forged--so no toxins. Their pans were a little too much for me to buy the bigger sizes in, so I figure it's a great way to try one out before I'm ready to make a bigger commitment.



The very next day after I asked the Internet, I saw these pans by Food52 linked up in Emily Henderson's link roundup. I love coincidences like this! I purchased the package that included the 10-inch nonstick (with "diamond-infused ceramic coating—made from sand!") pan AND the 12-inch stainless steel pan. It was on sale, too--down from $178 to $129. Yay!



Finally--and the cheapest option--was THIS Lodge cast iron skillet from Amazon. While they say it's pre-seasoned, the reviews still advise cleaning off what they have and doing it yourself. I'm fine with a little maintenance and feel like I know cast iron better now; but wish me luck. This is the one I'm most hopeful about, honestly.


Well, that's about all I have to tell you right now! All of them are on their way. I am oddly excited to try them all out and give you a full report!


Is there a pan I should have had on my list? Do tell!


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