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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Habits Should be Supportive || Growth Spurt

habits podcast Apr 20, 2022

The worst thing you can do is try to create habits because you think you should. Here's a better way to look at them.



Habits shouldn't be "shoulds," they should be supportive. And yes, I see the irony in that statement, but I think you'll agree! How many times have you set out to create a new habit based on a should, like one of these?


I should weigh this much...
I should be this type of mom...
I should wake up earlier...
I should be a reader...


How many times have those habits failed?


Your habits should support you as your most authentic self. In this short episode I'm sharing how times and seasons have changed my habits, and why that's been okay as I've allowed my habits to be supportive and not forced.


About a few other things...


Reclaim your creative power and rediscover who you actually are! If you’re ready to come back home to yourself, to be able to say that you know who you are and what matters to you, take my foundation course, “Finding Me.” It’s OK that you’ve lost parts of yourself along the way; but as you learn to anchor back into who you are and align your life to what matters to you, you’ll find that you have more strength, more fulfilment, and more creativity to bring to your important roles and responsibilities.


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Foundational course, “Finding Me.”
NEW Habit Course Presale
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Songs Credit: Pleasant Pictures Music Club


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