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Favorite Sourdough Things Gift Guide 2023

blog gift guide Nov 19, 2023

Whether you have a sourdough beginner or a sourdough specialist in your life, these are my go-to's that have helped me perfect my sourdough!


Scale (this is the NUMBER ONE tool that will completely transform your baking--period)
Artisan Sourdough Made Easy cookbook (I have a few sourdough cookbooks, but this is my favorite and perfect for ALL levels. I still learned new things from it this year and it has my go-to basic recipe now)
Translucent proofing containers (now you don't have to guess if the dough has "doubled"--I can't bake without them)
Banneton proofing basket (I have 2 since I always make 2 loaves at a time)
Danish whisk (I don't know why it works so well, but it does)
Bowl scrapers (trust me--I use both each time I bake)
Lame scoring tool (MUCH better than a serrated knife)
Cast iron dutch oven (I've had mine for over 6 years--SO necessary for crusty sourdough bread)

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