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Do you believe you matter? || with Cathy Heller

podcast Nov 05, 2019

Why you really need to find your purpose and share it with those around you.


There are still a few tickets left for my last live workshop of the year and the big party I'm throwing to celebrate 3 years of About Progress!! I would love to meet you in person there! P.S. If you purchase 2+ tickets to the party you'll get 25% off each.


Has anyone else noticed how so many of the conversations we've had surrounding relationships actually stem from the same place? That place is YOU. Do you believe you matter? Because without that, everything is else is going to be a whole lot more difficult. In short, YES, you do matter, but tune in for the why (it's basically science!) and how.



Do you believe you matter?


Cathy Heller is a mother, podcaster, author, and coach with a lifetime of experiences including living in Jerusalem for 3 years and being signed by a music label in LA! With all of the things she has done and tried she really aims to hit home on this: life is to live with purpose. In fact, her podcast quickly became one of my personal favorites because of the way it has inspired my growth and gratitude.


In this episode you'll first learn how to identify your purpose - what do you love, what makes you YOU? Cathy calls it "coming home to yourself" and it's not as daunting as you think. Then, we discuss joy and purpose and belief in ourselves. You do matter! The world needs you. Once you accept that about yourself you will be equipped to do so much good for yourself and others.



About a few other things


My young daughter was literally afraid of math and it was becoming a real problem at our house. Together, we trialled Math Revolution and are now paying customers because it has changed everything for her! You can also test it out with your family for 4 weeks FREE when you sign up here and use code 'ABOUTPROGRESS'.


P.S. This month I'm doing weekly giveaways when you leave a rating and review for the podcast!




Cathy's Instagram, Website, Book
Get 4 weeks FREE with Math Revolution use code ‘ABOUTPROGRESS’
3 Year Anniversary Workshop + Party!
Get your first month+ FREE with Libsyn using code MONICA
FREE Printables, including this month’s Progress Plan
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Songs Credit: DRIVE by Dj Nicolai Heidlas @nicolai-heidlas Music provided by FREE MUSIC FOR VLOGS AND VIDEOS


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