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“Dear Progressor,” February 2020 Edition

dear progressor podcast Feb 26, 2020

Voices from the About Progress community.


Have you ever thought to yourself, "I'm living the life I've always why am I still so ______________ (insert negative emotion)." I have lived through that and for me it was feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, lost, stuck, even empty. Through a lot of personal development I dug myself out of that hole, and continue to grow in a way that lets me love this life I've always wanted - even when it's sweeping crumbs off the floor.


I want this change for you, too. Tomorrow is the very last day for enrollment in my small group growth coaching Progress Program. Don't let the opportunity to do something for yourself (and ultimately even for others via trickle-down-effect) pass you by.



As always, I'm giving my monthly "what's happening" life update in this episode - including a Harry Potter review, the coaching certification program I finally decided on, and a moving update. Then, how I got schooled this month. Including takeaways from each episode and what you all really taught me about self respect.


Tune in to hear what real women from the About Progress community learned this month. They share what inspired them, how they changed, and ways they will continue to grow. Being able to truly laugh, cry, and come together is the best part of each month, so thank you for your submissions!


About a few other things...


Make sure you're signed up for the Go Getter Newsletter to get each episode's Progress Pointers straight to your inbox every Thursday.




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Songs Credit: DRIVE by Dj Nicolai Heidlas @nicolai-heidlas Music provided by FREE MUSIC FOR VLOGS AND VIDEOS


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