Cast a Vision || Growth Spurt
Jan 17, 2024
Last year I felt like I had abandoned my goals and day planning by February. As I reviewed them again recently, surprisingly a lot of what I had envisioned still materialized. Clearly defined visions give direction, making it easier to break down the necessary steps and create a meaningful impact on both conscious and subconscious levels. In this episode I'll explain what that looks like in goal planning, and give you a unique twist on setting a word for the year that aligns with the feelings you value the most.
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About a few other things...
Do you struggle to create habits that stick? It's not your fault. The truth is simple: you've been trying to form habits using methods designed for perfect robots--not real women living real lives. It's time to change that. If I could help you gain confidence in creating habits AND guide you to uncover the ONE supportive habit to deeply care for yourself, could you commit 21 days to learning this method? The Sticky Habit Method is a 21-day course that revolutionizes the habit-formation process. It's real habits for real women.
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Songs Credit: Pleasant Pictures Music Club